Shape the Future with your Legacy
Many law school friends and family choose to make planned gifts that will provide long-lasting support for the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law. Our gift planning team has the expertise to help you find creative solutions to your giving intentions.
To explore options for creating your legacy at UNH Franklin Pierce, as part of the UNH Foundation, through gifts like the ones described below, contact UNH Franklin Pierce Development Director Rod Boyer at rod.boyer@law.unh.edu or call (603) 513-5194.
Who can make a planned gift?
Anyone can! Legacy gifts are not only for the very wealthy. The greatest benefits of planning your gift now are the ability to maintain your current standard of living while ensuring you can support and enhance the future of UNH Franklin Pierce exactly as you wish. You may even enjoy significant tax benefits from your gift.
UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law funds
Explore options for making a legacy gift
How you choose to structure your gift to UNH Franklin Pierce, and where you designate the funds, depends on your goals and timeline. The UNH Foundation is pleased to help you set up your planned gift to help you achieve your desired impact.
To explore the many kinds of planned gifts you can make, consider the option below that best describes your intentions. You may wish to make a gift that has an immediate impact during your lifetime or one that generates income for life, or you may wish to give through your estate.
Learn about more University of New Hampshire Gift Planning options
Gifts With an Immediate Impact
Many donors wish to see the impact of their giving during their lifetimes. These gifts allow UNH Franklin Pierce to achieve results right away.
IRA Rollover or Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD)
If you are 70½ or older, transfer funds directly from your IRA to the UNH Foundation. Your IRA custodian will have the form you need for this simple transfer.
Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
Reduce your taxable income
Donor Advised Fund
Transfer ownership of stock or cash in bonds as a gift to UNH Franklin Pierce. (These can also be left through your will at full benefit to UNH Franklin Pierce).
Immediate tax deduction
Funds invested for tax-free growth
Control over charities to receive gifts
Minimal start-up time and cost
Can be cash or stock
Stocks & Bonds
Transfer ownership of stock or cash in bonds as a gift to UNH Franklin Pierce. (These can also be left through your will at full benefit to UNH Franklin Pierce). Learn more about this on the UNH Foundation's Giving Securities page.
Receive charitable tax deduction to help offset taxable interest income
Save on brokerage fees
May yield greater tax benefits than cash
Real Estate
Donate your home, vacation property, commercial property or undeveloped land to benefit UNH Franklin Pierce.
Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale
Receive charitable income tax deduction
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust or Charitable Lead Unitrust
Make a substantial gift with fixed or variable payments to UNH Franklin Pierce; the assets are passed on to your heirs at end of trust.
Your gift makes an immediate difference at UNH Franklin Pierce
You can provide for your family/heirs
Gifts That Generate Income
These giving options provide income to you during your lifetime, allowing you to support UNH Franklin Pierce while maintaining your current standard of living.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Your gift of $10,000 or more provides fixed payments to you and/or one named other in exchange for your gift.
- Easy to set up
- Fixed, dependable payments to you backed by the UNH Foundation
- Partially tax-free income
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust or Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Your gift of $100,000 or more provides income (fixed or variable) for yourself and/or named others with the remainder passing on to UNH Franklin Pierce.
- Potential for income growth
- Allows you to choose who you wish to administer your gift
Gifts Through Your Estate
Remember UNH Franklin Pierce with a gift in your will and leave a life without limits for future generations of law students. If you wish to leave a legacy at UNH Franklin Pierce, consider these options:
Bequest/Legacy Gift
Designate UNH Franklin Pierce to receive a specific dollar amount, property or percentage of your assets in your will.
- Flexibility to change your mind
- Offers continued access to your money
- May reduce taxes on your estate
Retirement Assets, Life Insurance, Bank Accounts
Designate UNH Franklin Pierce as beneficiary on retirement assets, life insurance, bank accounts and other investment accounts.
- Simplicity! Complete a form designating UNH Franklin Pierce as a beneficiary
- Does not require changing will/trust
- 100% of funds available to UNH Franklin Pierce, tax free
Life Estate
Gift your real estate to UNH Franklin Pierce but retain the right to use your property during your lifetime.
- Preserve use of your property for yourself and your loved ones
Stocks & Bonds
Leave these assets through your will at full benefit to UNH Franklin Pierce
- No taxes to your loved ones
Donor Advised Fund
Create a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting UNH Franklin Pierce and designate UNH Franklin Pierce as the beneficiary.
- Immediate tax deduction
- Funds invested for tax-free growth
- Control over charities to receive gifts
- Minimal start-up time and cost
- Can be cash or stock
We want to be sure we can carry out your wishes.
It is very important that a bequest be accurately and clearly described in your estate plan. We are happy to consult with you regarding the terms of your bequest to be sure we can carry out your intentions.
To ensure your bequest comes to UNH Franklin Pierce, include the Foundation's full legal name with a restriction to UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law and the federal tax identification number in any documents about your legacy gift:
Legal name: The University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc.
Address: 9 Edgewood Road, Durham NH 03824
Tax ID: 02‐0437506
We are happy to provide this sample bequest language to assist you and your attorney and you should feel free to contact us if we can help in any way.
Sample Language
“I give to UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law through the University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc., at 9 Edgewood Road, Durham NH 03824, a New Hampshire nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number 02‐0437506, [insert here a description of the particular property].”
Contact Us
Rod Boyer can work with you and your professional advisors to help you create lasting impact at the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law while structuring your gift in the manner most advantageous to you. More important, we would love to hear about how UNH Franklin Pierce has touched your life!
Rod Boyer
Director of Development
UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law
2 White Street | Concord, NH 03878
(603) 513-5194