We prepare you for a career in law from the moment you arrive on campus, and we continue to get results that matter. At UNH Franklin Pierce, students can create individualized career development plans over a three-year period to maximize their post-grad employment success. Our students begin working with our outstanding career services team almost immediately after arriving on campus, and those same team members invest in each individual student, creating unique, personalized pathways to rewarding law careers. Here, you're treated like a lawyer immediately. And the results speak for themselves.
Build Your Career at UNH LAW
From the first day of law school to summer job searches to internships to Bar membership, we help you enter the legal marketplace with confidence and the skills necessary for success. In the first semester of the first year, students begin learning about and using critical intangible skills such as good judgment, professionalism, networking and mentoring.
We know your plans will probably change, but we support early strategic thinking about your future. We continue working with you throughout the next three years to build a strong, diverse resume for an ever-changing legal marketplace.
Employment Outcomes

2018 Employment by Type of Employer
These visuals were derived from the 2018 ABA Employment Summary Report. The percentage was derived from a numerator consisting of the number of students in that reported category and denominator was the number of graduates.

Contact our Career Services Team
2 White Street
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: (603) 513-5118
Email: career.services@law.unh.edu
Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m, or by appointment. Feel free to drop by or contact us.