Anna Elbroch

Anna Elbroch

Associate Clinical Professor of Law
Associate Dean for Academic Administration
Phone: (603) 513-5120
Office: UNH School of Law, 2 White Street, Concord, NH 03301

Anna Elbroch has been appointed the Associate Dean for Academic Administration at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law in addition to her role as Director of Legal Writing. <br /><br />Before joining the Law School, she practiced criminal and juvenile defense law in New Hampshire for 16 years, 9 years at the New Hampshire Public Defender’s Office and 7 in private practice where she expanded her representation as an attorney and GAL to youth in marital, abuse/neglect and CHINS proceedings. In practice, Professor Elbroch also collaborated with a variety of organizations to improve the delivery and coordination of quality services for youth including: Seacoast Framework for Collaboration, Juvenile Drug Court, County wide mental health court; Youth Law Project at New Hampshire Legal Assistance; and New England Juvenile Defender Center. Since leaving practice in the fall of 2016, Professor Elbroch worked as the Legal Training Coordinator for the Child Welfare Education Partnership at Granite State College and taught undergraduate online criminal justice classes, including Juvenile Justice Systems and Law, Justice, and Family. She sat on the New Hampshire Board of Psychologists for 6 years, and continues to be a Contract Committee Member for the Seacoast Diversion Program. Professor Elbroch first joined the law school in 2019 supervising students in the Legal Residency program and teaching legal writing to 1Ls. She became the Director of Legal Writing in 2021. Professor Elbroch earned her bachelor of arts degree, magna cum laude, from the University of New Hampshire and her juris doctor from Boston College Law School.

Courses Taught

  • LRS 905: Independent Study
  • LSK 919: Legal Analysis & Writing 1
  • LSK 920: Legal Analysis & Writing 2
  • LSK 921: Legal Analysis,Writing&Rsrch I
  • LSK 922: Legal Analysis,Writing&RsrchII
  • LSK 960: Law Journal Staff


  • J.D., Boston College
  • B.A., Psychology, University of New Hampshire

Research Interests

  • Juvenile Justice