Grant Neimann

Grant Neimann

Adjunct Faculty
International Criminal Court & The Special Tribunals – Spring semester

Professor Grant Neimann is a full-time faculty member at Flinders University School of Law in Adelaide, Australia.  From 1994 – 2000, he was first Senior Trial Attorney of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).  During that time, he conducted the first trial before the International criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia of Dusko Tadic. Other trials he conducted including Zejnil Delalic et al. (“Celibici”), Slavko Dokmanovic, Drazen Erdemovic and Zlatko Aleksovski. He also litigated a number of appeals before the ICTY Appeals Chamber.

Professor Neimann has written extensively in the area of international criminal law, in particular the International Criminal Court.  He has published in the Journal of International Criminal Justice, the Encyclopedia of Criminology and the Criminal Law Journal.  His book, Foundations of International Criminal Law, was published by LexisNexis Buttersworth in 2014.  HE has presented papers at Harvard Law School, the American Bar Association, Duke University and the London School of Economics.

In 2004, Professor Neimann authored a Major Report to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the validity of international criminal law trials in Timor Leste and Indonesia. In 2005, he trained prosecutors for the Iraq Special Tribunal in preparation for the prosecution of former President Saddam Hussein.

Professor Neimann received his undergraduate degree from the University of Sidney and his law degree from the University of Adelaide.