Michael McCann Profile Photo

Michael McCann

Associate Dean for Intellectual Life
Director of the Sports and Entertainment Law Institute
Professor of Law (tenured)
Phone: (603) 513-5254
Office: UNH School of Law, 2 White Street, Concord, NH 03301

Professor Michael McCann is the Associate Dean for Intellectual Life and the Founding Director of the Sports and Entertainment Law Institute. He previously served as the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. <br><br>McCann also teaches at Harvard Law School as a Visiting Professor of Law.<br><br>McCann has won the Professor of the Year Award multiple times for excellence in teaching. Graduating students in the Class of 2015 selected McCann to deliver the faculty portion of the commencement address. In 2023, Prelaw Magazine named McCann to the “Dream Team of Law Professors." <br><br>In 2025, McCann won the Association of American Law Schools’ Law and Sports Section Award, a prestigious award honoring an individual who has made a substantial and significant contribution to scholarship, teaching, and service in the field of sports law.<br><br>McCann has been an innovator in legal education, creating the first law school course on “Name, Image and Likeness,” producing an IP and antitrust law course at UFC, designing first-of-their-kind online programs, and building the much-publicized “Deflategate” course.<br><br>McCann is one of the nation’s leading experts in sports law. In 2021, he testified before the U.S. Senate in a hearing that included NCAA president Mark Emmert and centered on NIL reforms. <br><br>McCann is a best-selling author and an accomplished legal scholar. He and former NBA player Ed O’Bannon co-authored “Court Justice: The Inside Story of My Battle Against the NCAA” (Diversion Books, 2018). The book was named by The Christian Science Monitor as the No. 1 Sports Book in Spring 2018 and led Amazon sales categories. <br><br>McCann is the Editor and co-author of “The Oxford Handbook of American Sports Law” (Oxford University Press, 2018). The book is assigned in sports law courses.<br><br>McCann has authored more than 25 law review articles, including placements in the Yale Law Journal, Wisconsin Law Review, Georgia Law Review and Boston College Law Review. McCann’s scholarly writings have been cited as authority by federal appellate and district court judges. He has served as a JAMA peer reviewer. The Academy of Legal Studies in Business awarded McCann and his co-authors the Best Sports and Entertainment Law Paper for 2023. <br><br>McCann has frequently appeared as a legal expert on national TV programs, including The Today Show and Good Morning America. McCann is also an award-winning journalist. In 2020, he joined Sportico, published by Penske Media (Rolling Stone and Variety). In 2021, McCann received Penske Media’s Journalistic and Creative Excellence Award “for consistently going above and beyond to deliver compelling content.” From 2007 to 2020, McCann authored more than 1,000 legal columns and investigative articles for Sports Illustrated. McCann was the first journalist to interview Lance Armstrong after Armstrong’s interview with Oprah Winfrey. He met Armstrong at his home in Texas and authored “My Dance With Lance” (Sports Illustrated, 5/11/2013 issue).<br><br>The International Business Times named McCann, along with Elon Musk, one of the “11 Entrepreneurs, Marketers, and Coaches to Follow” in 2021. The Aspen Institute named McCann one of the 50 people to follow in 2021.<br><br>Along with Harvard Law School Professor Jon Hanson, McCann is co-founder of The Project on Law and Mind Sciences at Harvard Law School. Hanson and McCann were recipients of the 2011 Media Prize awarded by the Society for Personality &amp; Social Psychology.<br><br>McCann served on the legal team of college football star Maurice Clarett in Clarett v. NFL, one of the most important cases in sports law history. McCann has also represented Your Call Football and other sports clients. He was Legal Counsel to Congressman Marty Meehan, an attorney at Boston law firms, and an aide to Attorney General Tom Reilly.<br><br>McCann is from Andover, Massachusetts, and is a graduate of St. John’s Pr

Michael McCann


Courses Taught

  • LAW 460: Sports Law
  • LGP 922: Employment Law
  • LGP 956: Professional Sports Law
  • LGP 958: Sports Law
  • LGP 990: LawSpcTop/Sports Law Vegas
  • LIP 914: Amateur Sports Law
  • LIP 932: Name Image & Likeness in Sport
  • LRS 905: Independent Study
  • LSK 960: Law Journal Staff
  • LSW 905: Intro US Sports Betting Law


  • J.D., University of Virginia
  • LL.M., Harvard Law School
  • B.A., American Government & Politics, Georgetown University

Selected Publications

  • McCann, M. (2024). New Amateurism. Texas A&M Law Review, 11, 869-909. Retrieved from https://scholarship.law.tamu.edu/

  • McCann, M. (2024). Sharing Broadcast and Streaming Revenues with College Athletes, 15 Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law 187 (2024). Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law, 15, 187-200. Retrieved from https://journals.law.harvard.edu/

  • McCann, M., Edelman, M., & Holden, J. (2024). The Collegiate Employee-Athlete. University of Illinois Law Review, 2023, 1. Retrieved from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4360802

  • Dube, M., Galloway, L., McCabe, C., McCann, M., & Milstein, A. (2023). Out of Bounds? The Legal Implications of the Emerging Rivalry Between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour. UNH Sports Law Review, 2, 174. Retrieved from https://scholars.unh.edu/unhslr/vol2/iss1/7/

  • Edelman, M., & Holden, J. (2022). A Short Treatise on College-Athlete Name, Image, and Likeness Rights: How America Regulates College Sports’s New Economic Frontier. Georgia Law Review, 57, 1-78.

  • McCann, M. (2022). Missing Link: League Punishments of Team Executives.. Saint Louis University Law Journal, 61, 293-310.

  • O'Bannon, E., & McCann, M. (2018). Court Justice The Inside Story of My Battle Against the NCAA. Diversion Books.

  • McCann, M. (2018). Introduction: American Sports Law through Deflategate. In The Oxford Handbook of American Sports Law.

  • McCann, M. (2018). Leagues and Owners: The Donald Sterling Story. In The Oxford Handbook of American Sports Law.

  • McCann, M. A. (Ed.) (2017). The Oxford Handbook of American Sports Law. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190465957.001.0001

  • McCann, M. (2014). Do you Believe He Can Fly? Royce White and Reasonable Accommodations Under the Americans with Disabilities Act for NBA Players with Anxiety Disorder and Fear of Flying. Pepperdine Law Review, 41, 397-438. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/37

  • McCann, M. (2011). Antitrust, Governance, and Postseason College Football. Boston College Law Review, 52, 517-549. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/34

  • McCann, M. (2010). Justice Sonia Sotomayor and the Relationship between Leagues and Players: Insights and Implications. Connecticut Law Review, 42, 901-923. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/36

  • McCann, M. A. (2010). The NBA and the Single Entity Defense: A Better Case?. Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law, 1, 39-61. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/264

  • McCann, M. A. (2010). American Needle v. NFL: An Opportunity To Reshape Sports Law. YALE LAW JOURNAL, 119(4), 726-781. Retrieved from https://www.webofscience.com/

  • Hanson, J. D., & McCann, M. (2008). Situationist Torts. Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review, 41, 1345-1453. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/39

  • McCann, M., & Rosen, J. S. (2006). Legality of Age Restrictions in the NBA and NFL. Case Western Reserve Law Review, 56, 731-768. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/57

  • McCann, M. (2006). It’s Not About the Money: The Role of Preferences, Cognitive Biases and Heuristics Among Professional Athletes. Brooklyn Law Review, 71, 1459-1528. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/97

  • McCann, M. (2006). The Reckless Pursuit of Dominion: A Situational Analysis of the NBA and Diminishing Player Autonomy. University of Pennsylvania Journal of Labor and Employment Law, 8, 819-860. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/96

  • McCann, M. (2006). Social Psychology, Calamities, and Sports Law. Willamette Law Review, 42, 585-637. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/119

  • McCann, M. A. (2005). Dietary supplement labeling: Cognitive biases, market manipulation & consumer choice. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LAW & MEDICINE, 31(2-3), 215-268. doi:10.1177/009885880503100204

  • McCann, M. (2005). Comparing Legal, Economic, and Legislative Approaches to Nutritional Labeling of Fast Food Items. Food and Drug Law, Regulation, and Education, 4(1).

  • McCann, M. (2004). Economic Efficiency and Consumer Choice Theory in Nutritional Labeling. Wisconsin Law Review, 2004, 1161-1244. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/56

  • McCann, M. (2004). Illegal Defense: The Irrational Economics of Banning High School Players from the NBA Draft. Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal, 3, 113-225. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/50

  • McCann, M. (2003). Message Deleted? Resolving Physician-Patient E-mail through Contract Law. Yale Journal of Law and Technology, 5, 102-140. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/87

  • McCann, M. (2002). A Vote Cast; A Vote Counted: Quantifying Voting Rights through Proportional Representation in Congressional Elections. Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy, 12, 191-219. Retrieved from http://scholars.unh.edu/law_facpub/118

  • Markel, D., McCann, M., & Wasserman, H. M. (n.d.). Catalyzing Fans. SSRN Electronic Journal. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2297050