Maggie O’Grady joins UNH Franklin Pierce after a successful career as a litigator, serving most recently as a Senior Staff Attorney at the Project on Predatory Lending (“PPSL”), a clinical program formerly housed at the Legal Services Center of Harvard Law School. At PPSL, she served as lead attorney in two Administrative Procedure Act class actions against the Department of Education on behalf of over 160,000 defrauded student borrowers and argued in the Ninth Circuit to depose former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. Prior to PPSL, Professor O’Grady spent ten years in the Government and Regulatory Affairs department in the Boston office of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, where she represented a variety of pharmaceutical and tech companies in antitrust litigation and investigations. Professor O’Grady is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Wellesley College and serves on the Board of Directors of PPSL.
Courses Taught
- LSK 919: Legal Analysis & Writing 1
- LSK 920: Legal Analysis & Writing 2
- LSK 921: Legal Analysis,Writing&Rsrch I
- LSK 922: Legal Analysis,Writing&RsrchII
Selected Publications
O'Grady, M., Keller, D., & Balkin, J. (2023). BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE FRANCIS FUKUYAMA IN SUPPORT OF RESPONDENTS IN NO. 22-277 AND PETITIONERS IN NO. 22-555. United States of America. Retrieved from https://www.supremecourt.gov/