Like most things this year, 2020’s UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law’s Annual Reunion was a little different than in years past. Just because current circumstances discourage face-to-face gatherings, it doesn’t mean we couldn't come together and celebrate! Thank you to all of our amazing alumni who joined us to participate in CLEs, receptions, and even some golf. Check out the recordings from this year's reunion, below.

CLE: Substituted Decision Making for Removing Medical Treatment

End of life medical care and its continuation or withdrawal is difficult even where there are clear instructions provided by the terminally ill. When no directives exist, the health issue becomes then becomes a legal one. Administrative Judge David King ’84, Judge Barbara Maloney ‘84 of the New Hampshire Circuit Court, Linda Mallon ’82, and John McIntosh ’77, discussed procedures and standards for regarding the withdrawal of medical care in light of the In Re Guardianship of LN decision and a currently pending case before the New Hampshire Supreme Court. Advance directives and surrogacy and how they intersect with guardianships will be covered.

CLE: New Hampshire Superior Court Judges Panel

Presented by Judge Charles Temple ’85, Judge Jacalyn Colburn ’96, and Judge Tina Nadeau ‘89. 2020 has moved the practice of law, including practice before the Superior Court, into a new era. We are all learning the nuance of general online advocacy and especially before the Courts. Join Judge Charles Temple ’85, Judge Jacalyn Colburn ’96, and Judge Tina Nadeau ‘89 to learn about virtual practice today and in the future before the New Hampshire Superior Court. The CLE credit is for one hour, but we will keep the Zoom live following for questions and discussion.

A Vision for the Future: IP Education at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law

Presented by Micky Minhas (LLM) ‘97

Micky Minhas ’97, has joined our faculty as Director of our Intellectual Property Center. Micky will speak about the implementation of twelve diverse IP courses, a revival of IPSI (virtually), and his vision for the IP Center going into the future that includes the role our alumni can take in its continuing development. This is a presentation and will not offer CLE credit.

Micky Minhas, current Marconi senior vice president is the new executive director of the Franklin Pierce Center for Intellectual Property. Before his current role with Marconi, Minhas was vice president and chief patent counsel for Microsoft for 8 years, and vice president of IP strategy at Qualcomm for 13 years.

Minhas has been teaching at the law school for the last two years as the Franklin Pierce distinguished professor of IP practice. This January, he taught nearly 50 students on an immersive classroom experience he organized to Silicon Valley. While there, he facilitated discussions with the heads of intellectual property at Amazon, Apple, eBay, Facebook, Google, Intel, LG, LinkedIn, Microsoft, PayPal, Samsung, the USPTO and more.

Minhas started his career in electrical engineering, earning a B.S. in the field from Marquette University and an M.S. from George Washington University.

Cocktail Party featuring Dean Megan Carpenter

Hear the latest on the law school from Dean Megan Carpenter

Effective Storytelling with James Judd, JD '98

Watch entertainer extraordinaire James Judd, JD ’98 for a presentation about effective storytelling, this was the closing event from the 2020 All Class Reunion.
