UNH Sports Law Review Volume 1, Issue 1

We are proud to announce the first edition of the UNH Sports Law Review is published. Volume 1, Issue 1 is focused on "Current Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics" with articles covering a range of subjects including concussion litigation, the concept of amateurism, and issues around name, image, and likeness.
Volume 1, Issue 1
- Editor's Foreward, The College Sports Symposium: Current Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, Ryan A. Buchanan and Jacob M. Rocchi
- For Whom the SOL Tolls: Examining the Role of the Discovery Rule and Statutes of Limitations in NCAA Concussion Litigation, Joseph Sabin Esq. and Andrew L. Goldsmith Ph.D.
- The Concept of Amateurism: How the Term Became Part of the College Sport Vernacular, Robert J. Romano Esq.
- Playing for Keeps: The Need for Name, Image, and Likeness Legislation to Ensure Representation for College Athletes, Campbell Flaherty
- Electronic Arts’ College Videogames in the Name, Image, and Likeness Era, Ryan A. Buchanan