Laura Knoy

UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law is delighted to announce that the Warren B. Rudman Center’s Community Engagement Director Laura Knoy will serve as the Center’s interim director this

spring. Upon the completion of her time as Interim Director, Knoy will continue in her current role.

Laura Knoy is one of New Hampshire’s most well-known journalists. She was founding host of New Hampshire Public Radio’s “The Exchange” which for 25 years was the state’s most widely recognized and respected radio program.

In mid-2021, Laura stepped down from the host’s chair to pursue other interests, including writing fiction. Her skills in interviewing, moderating, narrating and public speaking are frequently called upon. In 2022, Laura joined the Rudman Center at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law as its Director of Community Engagement. She’s also a fitness instructor at her local YMCA and host of three podcasts.

The incoming Director of the Rudman Center, who will join the faculty in the fall of 2024, will be announced in the coming months.

For the past five and half years, Professor John Greabe has served as director of the Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership, & Public Service. Under his leadership, the Center’s programmatic and community impact—especially the Rudman Summer Fellows program, which facilitates volunteer legal services for government agencies and non-profits that serve vulnerable communities—have grown significantly. Greabe is stepping down to focus on his teaching and writing.

“I have loved every minute of my time leading the Rudman Center,” Greabe said. “And I am very pleased with how the Center is situated to advance the causes of justice, leadership, and public service as we move ahead. But it is time for me to return to a focus on my teaching and writing, which are my true loves.”

Greabe added: “I am thrilled that the wonderful Laura Knoy will be stepping in as interim director. I look forward to continuing to work with her and then with our new faculty director to support the Center and further its important mission.”
