Michael McCann Breaks Down NCAA Proposal

In a CNN interview on December 5, 2023, Michael McCann, Director of the Sports and Entertainment Law Institute at UNH Franklin Pierce, Law Professor, and Legal Analyst at Sportico, provided a breakdown of the NCAA’s proposal to pay college athletes. McCann additional brought his sports law expertise to his recent Sportico article which provides insights into the changing landscape of amateurism in collegiate sports.

Get more insights from McCann in the draft of his forthcoming law review article in the Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law titled “Sharing Broadcast and Streaming Revenues with College Athletes.”

NCAA Calls an Audible on Amateurism. But Is It Too Late? by Michael McCann, Sportico, December 5, 2023

 Sharing Broadcast and Streaming Revenues with College Athletes by Michael McCann, Harvard Journal of Sports and Entertainment Law, Vol. 15, Forthcoming, 2024