The University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law is poised to welcome its largest, most diverse class in nearly two decades. 172 students make up the incoming Class of 2023. 22.6% are minorities. Despite being nearly 20% larger than last year’s entering class, the students entering in August boast a higher median GPA, while the median LSAT remained steady at 156[1].

“I am continuously amazed by the achievements of our incoming classes,” said Dean Megan Carpenter. “This year is no exception. With wide ranging backgrounds and experiences, they are ready to take on some of the greatest challenges in our society. The need for their talent has never been more in demand.”

law students in a classroom

With an average age of 30 and decades of experience in engineering, medicine, business and the sciences, the incoming class brings a wealth of practical experience to the study of law. Students hail from across the country; from Maine to California and Florida to Washington, the Class of 2023 comes from every corner of United States.

“I am delighted by the intellectual strength, professional experience and diversity of the Class of 2023,” said Interim Dean of Admissions Grant Keener. “At a time of unprecedented challenge, that so many well-qualified students chose UNH is a testament to the strength of our programs, the outstanding professional success of our alumni, and the vibrancy of our campus community.”

In addition to the traditional, residential JD program, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law offers the nation’s first Hybrid JD in Intellectual Property, Information, and Technology Law. Now in its second year, the Hybrid JD has seen great success, opening up a top-ranked legal education in IP to working professionals. More details about the admissions process and the degrees UNH Franklin Pierce offers can be found on the school’s website.

About University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law
Accredited by the American Bar Association, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law is located in Concord, New Hampshire, and is ranked as one of the nation’s top 100 law schools and, for the 29th year in a row, a top 10 school for the study of intellectual property law.

[1] As of July 20, 2020.
