Marcia Levy

Marcia Levy knew she’d love it at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law as soon as she joined the team. As the former Executive Director of a civil legal services firm, she fit right in with the School, which is known for its experiential and public service. “It really felt like a good meld between my previous work and current interests,” said Levy.

Levy started her work at the School in October 2020 as Associate Clinical Professor and Director of Legal Residencies. Bolstered by her knowledge of civil legal services, she helps law students in their 3rd year who want to get practical experience working in the field of law find a good placement—a requirement for the ABA.

“Placements can be working for a judge or government office, public service office, work for a firm, for a company—whatever you are interested in, a placement exists for it.”

Levy attributes FPSOL’s students’ success in finding placement to the strong ties the School has New Hampshire: “The law school has such strong relationships with this community, and our alums are leaders in this community.  Students can do a residency and their employers know they’ll work hard and move the organization or firm ahead in their work.”

When asked about her favorite part of her new job, she says, unequivocally, “the students –I’ve so enjoyed meeting the students, getting to know who they are, and how their long-term aspirations fit into the residency program.” She’s especially excited to work with students on her 1-credit “Legal Residency” course.

Levy says she’s fortunate to have found a home in her work at Franklin Pierce. Truly, however, we believe we’re the fortunate ones. Welcome, Marcia!