
NHPR and the Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership & Public Service at the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law will ho... Learn More
Professor Seth Oranburg discusses the many mistakes made leading to the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and what lessons can prevent more incidents li... Learn More
IDEA is published three times a year by the students of the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law. For more than 50 years, IDEA ha... Learn More
The University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law is honored to welcome Dana Remus, Former Assistant to the President and White House Coun... Learn More
Studying at UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law: An Exposure to the World of Music, Art, and Creativity Learn More
A panel of legal experts examined the values of open and responsive government and how we all play a role in holding government accountable during the... Learn More
Professor Buzz Scherr discusses his recent Union Leader opinion piece on bail reform, the data that New Hampshire's laws have been successful, and the... Learn More
The Economic Impact of Climate Change, a panel discussion hosted by the Warren B. Rudman Center for Justice, Leadership & Public Service and co-sponso... Learn More
The University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law is pleased to announce that Professors Mailyn Fidler and Daniel Pi will join our esteeme... Learn More
UNH Franklin Pierce Sets the Bar Sky-High Learn More