
Professor Buzz Scherr talks the US Supreme Court Decision that expands protections for gay and transgender workers, which had a surprising 6-3 ruling ... Learn More
Associate Dean Leah Plunkett and Dr. Monica Bulger, Host of the 30,000 Hours Podcast, discuss their recent guide titled, "What privacy, equity, and di... Learn More
IDEA is published three times a year by the students of the University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law. For more than 50 years, IDEA ha... Learn More
Announcing the IDEA Volume 60 Editorial Board Learn More
In the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, Professor Buzz Scherr discusses the complex nature of handling police misconduct, including qualified... Learn More
In fall of 2019 UNH Franklin Pierce launched the Hybrid Juris Doctor program with a focus on intellectual property, technology, and information law. H... Learn More
International Technology Transfer Clinic Director Stanley Kowalski argues that the worldwide failure to contain and manage COVID-19 is largely due to ... Learn More
Professor Michael McCann discusses the legal situation around sports leagues reopening after the COVID-19 shutdown, including the impact of league dec... Learn More
Advocacy in a Time of Coronavirus. Through her position at Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Courtney Tanner JD’14, MSW’15 works toward expanding healthcare servic... Learn More
Ohio native and 2L Jo Egeland is turning her passion for criminology and sociology into a career as a public defender. Learn More